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Boost Your Metabolism Fast!

As you know, age, stress and poor lifestyle choices negatively affect our metabolism, making it a lot more challenging to lose body fat and achieve our goals. Our Metabolism Booster package is a daily regimen designed to increase your metabolism naturally and safely. It includes three powerful products to supplement your lifestyle - Whole Gains Mango Meal Replacement, Essential Lipids and the R.E.M. Nighttime Fat Burner. The combination of stabilizing your blood sugar, attacking stored body fat, and achieving deep REM sleep will boost your metabolism so you can achieve results fast!

Mark Macdonald
creator of Venice Nutrition

Education & Consistency

Have you ever heard someone say, “I know what I’m supposed to do with my health, I am just not doing it” . Have you ever heard yourself say it? I have listened to thousands of people say that exact phrase to me. Today, I would like to share the solution. Here’s the truth: If you want to do something and you are not doing it, something in there, an important part of your health, is missing. That missing piece can be filled in with two crucial things: Education and Consistency.

During my years of coaching the goal has always been to create a system that will provide the opportunity for anyone to learn how to make their Health a Priority, to help them allow it to become a permanent part of life. We have developed a 3 step process that provides you with the ability to stay present with your health and a foundation that will always give you the answers if something is not working.

Step 1: Know Your Why

Your “Why” is the driving force that motivates you. It will determine your level of Consistency. Everything in life has a Cost and a Payoff. Your “Why” must be strong enough to keep your goals in focus and keep you on track as you move through the stressful moments. There is a cost to living a healthier life… However, the payoff is much greater. To read the message I wrote about “Knowing Your Why”, please click here.

Step 2: Develop Your Health Structure

Diets fail people because they provide no game plan for their long term success. The key to that long term success is to have a foundation to work from and create a game plan that you can build from for the rest of your life. There are 6 main components to your Health Structure: Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise, Supplements, Water and Stress. If you educate yourself on these 6 components, while also learning how to permanently implement them into your lifestyle , you will have a Blueprint to Success. The Health Structure will provide you with the tools to achieve all of your health goals. To Learn More about the Health Structure Please Read Section I & IV of Your Member Handbook located in your Help/Support Tab.

Step 3: Balance Your Quadrant

It’s time to make room in your life for your health. We all live busy lives and too many times we decide to go for it and get healthy without making a plan or creating space in our life. It’s very easy to crash if you take a life that is already 100% full and add a nutrition and exercise program on top of it. The key is to adjust other parts of your life and open up the space your health can occupy. This way you can help your health become a permanent part of your life. Creating balance in your Quadrant will enhance every aspect of your life.

What it all boils down to is this: How great of a life do you want to live? We all want to be happy, we all want to feel good, we all want consistent energy, we all want to live the fullest and best life we can. How is living a life like that possible without finding a way to make your Health a Priority? We all get caught up in wanting things right now. Thing is, all great things in life take time. By giving yourself a Self-Health education, then applying that knowledge to become consistent with it, you will create a platform from which you can live the life you truly desire. I promise you this, if you choose to implement this three step process, “The Juice will be worth the squeeze!”

Culinary Corner

by head chef Valerie Cogswell

Beat the Heat with a Refreshing Smoothie

Frosty, calorie laden smoothies are everywhere. They are on billboards, disguised as "healthy" at our favorite coffee shops, and even on the drink menu at most restaurants. The truth about all this is most frozen drinks have up to 1000 calories, even the so called "healthy" ones. When I'm in the mood for a frosty smoothie, I'll whip up this protein shake. It's loaded with fresh fruit like banana and pineapple, heart healthy flax seed oil and our highest quality protein powder to help me burn fat, increase my metabolism and stay cool. For the complete recipe please login to your account and click on the ‘Recipes’ tab. Enjoy!

The countdown to summer is on!

Summer is finally here and the calendar is filling up fast. Between parties and vacations, it can be nerve racking for those of us who keep sight of our nutrition and fitness goals to be exposed to so much temptation. No need to worry. This month we're giving you real tips on how to relax and enjoy your summer while still following your health plan. We even asked some of our members and coaches how they stay the course during this tempting time of year. Read on to learn how they do it.......

"I look at the summer as a way to ’show off’ all my hard work. I enjoy every minute of it. I don't stress about meals at parties because they’re just for one day. I know I can get right back on track at my next meal. This state of mind works wonders for me - I'm not dieting, I'm living a healthy lifestyle, and having fun is a big part of it!" – Ashley, Venice Nutrition member

"I'm a planner by nature, so when I know I have a barbeque or party coming up, I try to eat clean leading up to the event. I like to eat higher quality foods a day or two before hand and get in my exercise to prepare. I also bring something healthy along with me if possible, like an appetizer or a fresh fruit salad for dessert. I try to satisfy my appetite on the healthy stuff and save a little room at the end for high calorie food. That way when I indulge, it's no big deal." – Valerie Cogswell, Head Chef and Venice Nutrition Coach

"The summer is great for exercising. I'm more motivated in warm weather - I’ll go out for an early morning walk or a bike ride with my kids on the weekend. I use the weather to my advantage and never as an excuse to skip a workout." – John, Venice Nutrition Member

"I travel a lot in the summer, so I make sure to pack some good food to take like protein powder, nuts, dried fruit, and protein bars. I'll eat these snacks in-between my meals. Then when I have my lunch and dinner, I'll watch the portions and make sure to get a balanced meal." Morgan, Venice Nutrition Member

"I like to have a few alcoholic beverages in the summer and enjoy barbequing like anyone else. I joined Venice Nutrition to lower my blood pressure and cholesterol, and I was borderline diabetic, so I just make better choices. I don't need 5 drinks, I can settle for two. I'll have ribs and burgers once in a while but I learned to grill fish and vegetables and chicken too. I feel better and my health is better. It's all about making choices." Bob, Venice Nutrition Member

You Asked | We Answered

Q:I've been stabilizing my blood sugar and following my plan. Why do my clothes fit so much looser but the number on the scale isn't changing?

A:Often when stabilizing blood sugar, you will notice a change in the way your clothes fit before you notice a change on the scale. How noticeable this is differs from person to person and is a great sign that you are on your way to reaching your goals. When you stabilize your blood sugar, you are protecting your lean muscle mass (which is your metabolism). In contrast, when you "diet" as you do on other programs, you drastically cut calories and/or carbohydrates... This way you risk sacrificing pounds of lean muscle mass, slowing your metabolism. In other words, when you eat correctly your body shifts from the inside out; the number on the scale will change over time! For more info, see your Member Handbook Section 2, Monitoring Results under your Help/Support Tab.

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