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Trim, Tone, Take it to the Next Level with Body Confidence!

Venice Nutrition's Book, Body Confidence, is a revolutionary approach based on three key nutrition factors that stabilize your blood sugar and keep your body in balance:

  1. Eating at consistent meal intervals
  2. Absolute certainty in essential nutrient ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydrates
  3. Identifying and consuming the right amount of calories per meal

But there’s so much more to Body Confidence than when and what you eat. You’ll become a master at:

  • Determining your current metabolism—and then reprogramming it
  • Focusing on body fat percentage rather than body weight
  • Setting measurable, motivating goals (short and long-term, internal and external)
  • Following a customized, efficient, diverse exercise plan that makes you feel energetic and strong
  • Harnessing the powers of sleep, supplements, water, and stress management, all in perfect sync to optimize your body’s performance.

The acclaimed Venice Nutrition Program has helped over 250,000 people lose weight, shed fat, and win their health battles. Now you can put it to work to achieve your ideal body.

Meet Joe and Claudette

Joe's excess weight and body fat started melting away on the program—so his wife, Claudette, decided to join him. Now he's lost 43 pounds, decreasing his body fat by 15%, and she's lost 29 pounds and 18% of her body fat. Best of all, they've set a powerful example for their children.

Meet Shana

By her early thirties, she had 100 excess pounds — and a broken metabolism — to show for her years of yo-yo dieting. With Venice Nutrition, she lost 89 pounds in 10 months — lowering her body fat by 32% in the process!

Meet Tom

Although he exercised regularly, his weight was creeping up. Once he learned what foods to use as fuel and mastered these efficient workouts, Tom lost 38 pounds, and lowered his body fat by 16%, in just 5 months.

Meet Tally

Before competing in Ms. Fitness USA, she needed to hone her competitive edge. Through strategic nutrition adjustments and unique exercise plans, she lost 10 pounds of fat and gained 5 pounds of muscle (and perfected her one-arm push-ups!).

Venice Nutrition creator and author of Body Confidence, Mark Macdonald, knows that weight loss doesn’t happen in a vacuum, and he has made room for “real life” at every stage of this program. Along the way, you’ll be introduced to some of Venice Nutrition’s extraordinary success stories, and learn how to stay on track no matter what life throws at you. Packed with recipes, nutrition guides, exercise journals, and Venice Nutrition’s proven goal-setting tools, Body Confidence walks you through every step of a process that has already changed thousands of lives.

Getting in shape (and staying in shape) no longer has to mean feeling deprived and hungry, living with low energy, being irritable and anxious, or obsessing about food and exercise. There is a way to make looking and feeling your best a permanent way of life.

MARK MACDONALD is the creator of the Venice Nutrition Program. He opened the first Venice Nutrition Consulting Center in Venice Beach, California, over a decade ago and it has since developed into a network of over 350 centers across the United States. The Venice Nutrition Program has been licensed by hundreds of health facilities, doctors’ offices, fitness studios, and health professionals nationwide.

Pick up a copy at your local Atlanta Fitness location >

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